3/27/20232 min read

MSMD! IS now back and on the go. You can expect us to ruin the peace at a spot near you soon.

Mandurah, a stunning coastal town located just south of Perth, Western Australia, boasts breathtaking scenery and a thriving community that welcomes visitors from all over the world. Episode 7 of Monkey Sea, Monkey Dooh! took us to one of Mandurah's most beloved cafes, Falcon Bay Cafe, where we savored a freshly brewed coffee while enjoying the serene views.

As we sat next to the "Benny's Bar" memorial, we couldn't help but appreciate the natural beauty that surrounded us. The bay's crystal clear waters sparkled in the sun, and the gentle breeze was perfect! We felt grateful to be able to record our episode in such a picturesque location.

Monkey Sea, Monkey Dooh! has always aimed to immerse itself in the local community and embrace the great outdoors. With the recent acquisition of DJI Wireless Microphones, our options have expanded, and we can now take our recording equipment anywhere we want. The possibilities are endless, and we can't wait to discover even more stunning locations in Mandurah and beyond.

On this particular day, we decided to leave our feline friend at home (You can hear Duma in nearly every other episode) and venture outside to hit the record button for the first time. It was a beautiful day, and we felt energized by the fresh air and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

We took a second to marvel at the technology we had at our disposal, allowing us to set up our recording equipment in just ten minutes and capture crystal clear audio with tiny devices. We had a wonderful conversation about Matt's previous business ventures and Jason's travels, and we were excited to share our insights on breaking free from a rut.

Overall, Mandurah proved to be a spectacular location for recording Episode 7, and we can't wait to explore more of what this charming town has to offer.


"Creating Something from Nothing" Ep.7

Our shiny new mics.

Duma, the cat.